Develop a healthier lifestyle in just 30 days

Healthy Uprise is a done-with-you guide to living healthy.

Get weekly meal plans, recipes (with snacks!), an exercise program, and join our community that will celebrate your wins and support you whenever you need!

Is the 30-day M.U.S.T rise challenge for you?

Have you wanted to eat healthier and exercise more, but you got overwhelmed by the last diet you tried out?

Have you just tried to cut out “unhealthy” foods and drinks, but feel like all you do is eat bland food?

Is it a struggle to get your kids to eat healthy?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then the 30-day M.U.S.T Rise Challenge was made for you!

30-Day M.U.S.T rise challenge—what is it?

The 30-Day M.U.S.T Rise Challenge is designed to support you as much as possible so that you can achieve your health goals. 

We provide you with a meal plan, a workout plan, and a support group. With the hopes that you’ll feel safe and encouraged all throughout the program.

Because you shouldn’t ever feel alone while working toward a healthier life.

You will receive a customized meal plan that maps out what to eat and how to prepare it, for every single meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks) that you’ll have during the program.

Stop worrying about what you’re going to eat next.

Improve your physical and mental health with our easy-to-follow workouts that you can approach at a pace that’s comfortable.

You should never feel intimidated to work out.

Gain access to a community that is focused on supporting you! We have a private Facebook Group that is designed to help you every single day.

No one should ever feel like they’re in this alone.

*Next Challenge starts September 12th 2022.*

Fitness Options
and nutrition plans
tailored for you

Improve your mind and body without a strict diet.

The clean eating lifestyle provides a number of benefits to your immune system, energy and mood, muscles and bones, sleeping patterns, as well as your physical and mental health. 

Want to know how? Check out our videos below!

A Healthy Life Shouldn't Feel Like Work...

Our 30-day M.U.S.T Rise Challenge is designed to help build healthy habits.

By the end of the challenge, a clean eating lifestyle should come easy, but, if you still find yourself struggling at times, you’ll always have a community to lean on.

to provide the best quality support,
we limit the number of seats per challenge.

Don't miss your chance for our September 2022 M.U.S.T Rise Challenge!

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive our welcome email. Then, the week prior to the start of the Challenge, you’ll receive another email with the fitness and meal plans. Every Friday following, you’ll get an email with the subsequent week’s plans.

I’ll do a weekly Facebook Live every Friday in the private Facebook group. If you have any questions, please email them to me by 7pm Pacific Standard Time the Thursday prior.

While not everyone will see the same results, it is crucial that you put in the maximum effort to see your maximum outcome.

Clean eating on its own will lead you to a healthier life, I highly recommend participating in the workouts and exercises to achieve your best results!

Clean eating is a lifestyle that focuses on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods while cutting down on less than healthy foods. We eat real, unprocessed foods such as fruits and vegetables, healthy proteins, and fats.

An exchange list of clean foods to swap out ingredients tailored to your dietary needs will be sent to you. There are plenty of vegetarian options but this does not necessarily give great vegan options. 

We currently do not offer a vegan option.

Always consult with your doctor if you have questions or concerns about whether anything is safe for you. 

With that said, I don’t advise women who are pregnant or breastfeeding to do the 3-day detox. Instead, start with day four and repeat days four through seven until the second week starts.

What happens after the 30-day Challenge?

We are currently developing a program designed for everyone to transition into. 

I call it the 80/20 program.

This program will supply you with more recipes and exercises while keeping you in our supportive community where you can help newer members and get any support you may need!

Contact Us Today

(971) 258-0302