About Us

Our relationship with dieting is crazy!

It seems like most people think that the only way to achieve the results they’re aiming for is through restriction. They feel that it’s impossible to get their dream body unless they’re starving themselves and cutting out their favorite foods.

I used to feel this exact way.

I was frustrated and fooled by the world of social media with retake after retake and post-processing for the perfect photo…

Bottom line? I was stuck. There was no support group or community that I could lean on. I had no structure and no guide to help me figure out a plan to get where I wanted to be. 

Fast forward to now, I’m busier than ever. 

I’m a wife, a mother of four, and a registered nurse.

My turning point was the day my first child was born. I knew I needed to change my relationship with food and exercise. I was so full of toxins from the lifestyle I was living that I had to train my body to process food correctly in order to achieve my goals!

I learned how to eat to burn fat, rather than store it.

I learned how to detoxify my body with food and exercise.

And I learned how to live a much healthier and cleaner lifestyle without giving up my favorite foods. In fact, I learned how to eat more to lose more! Which, yes, sounds counterintuitive, so let me explain…

When your body isn’t getting enough calories the mechanism that controls your estrogen and progesterone gets disrupted.

Stay with me—this is the reason why most diets fail.

When your body gets the right amount of the right foods it lowers estrogen and releases a powerful fat-burning hormone called glucagon, which helps to shrink fat cells and signals your body to start breaking down fat.

This is exactly what I want to teach you!

My 30-day M.U.S.T Rise Challenge will help detoxify your system and get your metabolism to its optimal level.

While the Challenge takes work—it is a complete metabolic reset for your body that may be daunting to a lot of people, but it will lead to you living a much healthier life that will supply you with more energy, through clean eating and simple workouts. With that said, I will provide you with the recipes and meal plan, give you a grocery list, and follow-along exercises. All paired with your access to our supportive M.U.S.T Rise Community!

I want to show you how to live the healthiest lifestyle possible to teach your kids. 

Equip your future generations to break the exhaustive cycle of dieting and the inherent dangers of ignorant eating.

So, if this sounds like the sort of thing you’ve been searching for, allow me to join you on your health journey to support the lifestyle you enjoy most!

What happens after the Challenge?

I offer an 80/20 lifestyle program. 

While it is my hope that you develop lasting, healthy habits, I know everyone needs support from time to time. So, after you complete the Challenge, you will stay with our Healthy Uprise community and continue the clean eating lifestyle. Don’t let life sabotage all the work you put in over the 30-day Challenge. 

It’s a bit less hands-on but you’ll still get incredible support to maintain your new, healthy lifestyle.

For $27 a month I’ll continue to provide you with meal plans, recipes, and you’ll still have access to our community.

And, if you’re up for it, you can become a mentor to new M.U.S.T Rise Challenge participants!